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The Daily Muser

Creative writing, ideas and vocabulary...let's brainstorm!


Daily Creative Writing for the Day 9.29

Thanks for viewing my very first writing sample. Now I haven't written or published anything in years. Please, please, please don't hesitate to give some constructive criticism!


     The shadow of dusk stretched across the evening sky. A soft wind stirred ripples across the lake. Boris watched the horizon, sighing as he dreamed of a place he's never been. His gaunt features, once handsome, are now distorted with deeply etched crevices lining his eyebrows. He nodded off slowly. All of a sudden, a woman's terror-filled scream cut through his torture thoughts.
     "Mom!" He stumbled to his feet and ran down the rock-strewn path. Tree limbs slapped his face and he stumbled over holes and tree roots. Finally he made it to the clearing. A shadow, more ominous than his worst nightmare, loomed over the clearing, dwarfing the small figure on the ground.
     "You never listen, woman!" growled the shadow. The figure on the ground weeped quietly. Boris came to a stop. His breath quickened at the sight, his heart raced. The shadow raised its arm, then paused, catching sight of Boris in the dwindling light.
     "What do you want boy?" it snarled. Anger rose in Boris, hot like a fever, pouring from his chest and radiating to his extremities. The heat overpowered his fear, threatening to burst his heart in his chest. He took a step forward.
     "Oh, is little Bobo mad?" the shadow taunted. A hideous laugh cut through the air, followed by a loud crack as the shadow's arm came down on the weeping figure. The weeping stopped. Everything around seemed to stop. Except that laughter. That hideous gutteral sound that seemed to shake the ground. It filled Boris' ears and drowned out his dreams of a place far away. Hot tears burned his flesh.
     "Mom!" The ground between Boris and the shadow disappeared, his fist connecting firmly with a wall of flesh. A gutteral growl of pain. A scuffle. Then silence.

By The Ebook Place
On Saturday, September 29, 2007
At 8:32 PM
Comments :

WORDS OF THE WEEK 9/24 - 9/28

All definitions taken from Merriam-Webster Dictionary online!


Pontificate: (n) to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way

The senator's habit of pontificating irritated his colleagues in Congress during an hour long filibuster.


Dogmatic: (adj.) characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly or positively as if they were facts
syn. overbearing, oppressive

The king's dogmatic demeanor further alienated the townsfolk and sparked rebellions.


Erudite: (adj) possessing or displaying extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books; learned

The lecture on ecology was given by the erudite scholar Lance Collins.


Quiescent: (adj) marked by inactivity or repose; tranquilly at rest. * causing no trouble or symptoms

The wind caused ripples to play across the surface of the otherwise quiescent lake.


Benison: (n) a blessing; benediction * a prayer calling for divine care, protection or favor

The townspeople called on the holy men for a benison before the great harvest.